The HOW Behind Motivation

Motivation is a word that carries an enchanting essence, evoking a sense of possibility like a fleeting butterfly seeking a place to land. We are captivated by its allure, seeking its presence as if it could bring a transformative spark within us. We love to talk about motivation, seek products that promise it, and lament when we feel disconnected from our inner drive. If only Motivation could be captured, bottled, and offered for sale, I am certain it would claim the top spot as the most sought-after product. Why? Because it’s usually the thing that stands in the way of you accomplishing your goals. Motivation’s sister, Action, receives much of the brunt for not completing something, but it was Motivation’s role all along. It’s the fuel that pushes Action forward. The driving force that ignites progress.  

At a recent event, I had the incredible opportunity to see Jim Kwik, a renowned speaker and brain performance expert, share his powerful formula for motivation.His formula encompasses Purpose, Energy, and Small Simple Steps - P x E x S3. In this article, I will break down this formula and explain how it can drive us toward meeting our goals:

  • P = Purpose: Connecting Head, Heart, Hands 

    • Aligning the vision in yourHead, the action you take with your Hands, and the emotions that drive your Heart? This is your WHY. You can intellectually know it’s important, but you have to feel it. 

  • E = Energy: Fueling Motivation

    • Without adequate energy, motivation can wane. Assess your sleep patterns, stress levels and dietary habits. Are you fueling your body with the right nutrients. Identify and eliminate and energy vampires in your life - those things that drain your vitality. Optimizing your energy levels is essential in sustaining your motivation. 

  • S3 = Small Simple Steps: Overcoming the Grandeur 

    • Some people have limitless purpose and limitless energy, but their goals are overwhelming. The key is to break down the grand objective into small, achievable actions.  Jim’s magic question to find the small step: “What is the tiniest action I can take right now that will give me progress toward this goal where I can’t fail?” Embrace incremental progress and celebrate each step forward. 

Applying the Formula:

I decided to put Jim Kwik’s formula into practice for a goal I set several months ago: becoming an endurance athlete within two months. Sort of like couch to 5k but more like couch to Everest. 

 When I signed up, I had the trifecta that Jim talks about: the Mindset, the Motivation, and the Methods to accomplish this goal. However, a life event entered and took me off course. Soon I was in survivor mode, and while I hadn’t lost my mindset or the methods, my motivation was altered, specifically the E part of the formula. Survivor mode means we sacrifice some part of ourselves just to survive. Something has to give, and for me, it was sleep. So here I am on the other side of that challenging time life gave me with the same goal and purpose and a much shorter timeline, and of course the narrative that two months is not enough time to achieve it. However, armed with Jim’s formula, I can do it. I can accomplish anything. My tiny actions are adding up each day. I am nurturing my energy levels more than I ever have, and my Head and Heart are in the right place. I can see that finish line and taste the exhilaration of crossing it. I have bottled my own motivation and eagerly anticipate the triumphant feeling of accomplishment. That amazing feeling of “I did it!” I can’t wait. What is it that you can’t you wait to achieve? 


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